Project Opus, community for artists and their fans ~ a site a day

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Project Opus, community for artists and their fans

This weekend, discover new music and artists.

There are a lot of local bands out there, unknown and making awesome music. If you are a member of a local band or know a local band which deserves much better, then Project Opus is the place to be.

From what their site says:
Project Opus™ is an online music community designed to support artists, fans and local music. It is a single point of contact for discovery of new music.

We have two goals:
  • make it incredibly easy for bands to self-publish music, find their audience and then get paid for the sale and licensing of their music, and
  • make it incredibly easy for fans to find music they love and support the artists that make it.
You can join the site either as a band/artist or as a fan. A band gets its own page, blog and they can upload music. The page is basically the place where fans can keep up with their band's news and music. The artists have a choice to either sell their music or allow free downloads. It doesn't cost the artists anything to join project opus. Each track is sold at 1$, project opus and the artists share the dollar equally. The artists own all rights to their music.

As a fan, I've discovered a couple of bands. Melody Park is my favourite currently. They are Good. :)

Project Opus currently had mostly Canada based bands, but there are some bands from all over the world. So surely as the community grows, more bands will have a page on Project Opus.

Fans can save their favourite artists on their profile and tag their music. You can browse other playlists. The Opus Player will stream music for you. I can't seem to get the player running on my blog, for some reason. Check it out here.

The site is an absolute delight for fans. They've got lists of concerts happening, news in the world of music, a very active community of music lovers and a great interface.
People across the world are loving it!

Sometime back I reviewed Musicovery which is a great way to discover music from the popular bands. Read the review and you'll know why Musicovery absolutely rocks.

Have a great weekend with great music!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking time to check out Project Opus, we and all the bands we support are very appreciative.

We are looking to improve the service in a big way over the summer so keep us on your radar for an Early Fall release.

Abhishek said...

Loved it buddy. waiting for the launch!

active meter